Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Good Luck Everyone.
And this blog is really dead by the way. EVERYONE PLEASE PLAY YOUR PART TO LIVEN IT UP!
Yay! Love you all! Muacks!
-A Sec Two Monster
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
y m i even bothering 2 blog abt my a-maths stuff???sorry pple.i know u'll nv be interested.hahahha someday u all will know e horrors of a-maths so i shan't terrorise u guys yet.lalalala.all in good time*evil smile*
c pple,i'm giving up my studying time 2 blog in this dead blog so u all shld be more appreciative.esp esther,whose previous post(is that urs??)has been there 4 like goodness knows how long.everytime i come check our blog e first thing that greeted me is that post.tsktsk.was so disappointed that nobody bothered abt this poor blog at all.nvm i shall rescue it after my o's!!;DD
oh yeah us SAP pple r leaving soon...sec 4 grad ceremony this sat.after that u'll rarely get 2 c us anymore so mus make full use of e time we have left tgt k??i dun intend to get emo here...yet hahaha.treasure ur moments in dhs,pple.esp dhsco!!i know i'm gonna miss dhszz like hell when i leave.n treasure e sch too.i wish they dun have 2 tear it down.what do u expect?spent 4 yrs there,have feelings 4 every corner ma.
well if zheng zu can get a more decent room,not some lousy insect-infected stuffroom n a broken fan,then i won't complain.even tho i think i won't have anymore business here when e new compound is completed in 2008.i will be so old alr=((
so if u want 2 show ur appreciation for us,ur wonderful seniors who will soon be leaving,a party will be nice=DDD
ok i think i've crapped pple,blog!!!i dun want 2 come back 2 days later n still c my post here hor!!i'll feel so ps de.ok then i'm off 2 DIE 4 a-maths;DD
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Rescue Operation.
Let's change our domain to livejournal to ensure the blog doesn't go dead again.
I'm also trying to be nice to blog and cover the previous post so that the DHP Sec4s don't get too tramautised. Haha. Sometimes, we can't help being kind, yeah? ;D
Okay, now to the Sec 3s - our holidays begin from this Thurday! Muahaha. Alright, I shouldn't be so evil, in case we suffer the same fate next year. (Hope not)
By the way, can 2 other people blog so that we can at least hit our 50th post (anniversary)?
Yeah yeah, even DHS had its 50th anniversay. ;D
Thursday, September 14, 2006
DHP sec4s please pay CLOSE attention. (:
So, you must share your joy.*coughcough*
*cough even louder*
*cough even more louder*
Wahpiang. Cough until want to sore throat already still never catch the hint meh? Haiyo.
I have confidence that you guys are not that dumb :D That, is a common agreement between all of us. Heh heh.
P.S. I never made it open and clear must buy stuff for us. Heehee^^
Okay lah. We shall be very nice and kind and not ask for presents lah. *Sigh* So touched, right?
Anyway, you all will most likely see this only when you all return. This is
Monday, September 4, 2006
Source-based question
Saturday, September 2, 2006
mystery of the tagBORED.
hmm i shall start on a new topic that's hopefully interesting enough to encourage y'guys to blog. ohya there's currently two mysteries on our tagboard; one being the identity of biimbo gal and second the sudden and amusing appearance of MR H.I.M. hur, hur.
biimbo gal. hmm i already know who is it le. teh rest of you find out yourself. yay! but what i find very funny is that biimbo gal says that fenzu is fun, but actually during fenzu she's like zzz-i-wanna-sleep. nyehnyeh biimbo gal. wake up or i will make you a gh_st whisperer. yesyes. ohya
next up, MR H.I.M. lol i bet zhengzu peeps are exceptionally familar with him. tell y'guys what me and assie
there's actually more content de. but it's nicer when you go read it yourself yeps (:
the stars thingy is a bit too glaring le, so i'll be a kind soul and tell you around where it is.
it's at the sec four study area :D
PS. huishan don't come after me with a chopper or whatsoever. go after MR H.I.M on the tagboard. he gave me inspiration.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Jiayou Sec4s! :D
Please ignore the cliche title (:
I happened to chance by something interesting on some blog *ahem* (:
WE MUST GET BEST YUEZU (for results) THIS YEAR OKAY! :D although we have strong rivals like zheng la.
See? Even people from other yuezu have confidence in you guys, so just give your best!
Don't get to stressed out, otherwise no Bridge after prelims as a punishment.
Heh heh :D
And if you guys have nothing better to do , especially our beloved HS, go check out the wall pasted with a lot of stars.
There's a surprise for you! ( Perhaps you might have noticed it already; it was up on Monday.)
Remember, no Bridge (absuloteyly no 讨价还价) after prelims if you happen to go crazy and snap. If you snap, the 乐器管理 will come and huant you. SO beware.
Especially that
-someBIRDY :D
anyway let me dedicate the song"reach"by s club 7 to all zheng members.yeah i know it's a really old song but i think it's quite nice.i shan't copy and paste the whole song down cos it's bloody long and will take a hell lot of space.but just the first few parts and the chorus:
Verse 1:
When the world
Leaves you feeling blue
You can count on me
I will be there for you
When it seems
All your hopes and dreams
Are a million miles away
I will reassure you
Don't stop
Gotta keep movin'
Your hopes
Gotta keep building
Never, ever forget
That, I got you and you got me so
Reach for the stars
Climb every mountain higher
Reach for the stars
Follow your hearts desire
Reach for the stars
And when that rainbow's shining over you
That’s when your dreams will all come true
message to all zheng members:stay united and bonded together as a team!!encourage one another and work hard towards zheng's goal next year ok?(you all should know what so i shan't elaborate furthur.anyway i bet u all must be sick of hearing it right??;))
-minhui-was here...(",)
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Tuesday, August 8, 2006
dhsco zheng zu roxx!!!=D
sec guys are officially the oldest le and must lead zheng zu to greater new heights next year and clinch the GOLD WITH HONOURS AWARD ok??i believe in all of you and i promise that i'll come back and help out(in other words i'll come back and TORTURE you all*evil laughter*).
actually i was quite impressed by how efficient the sec 3s are.after the posts are announced,boyang,the new kangle zu zhang,suggested going out.we went to marina for bowling but sad thing is there are too many people.the same went for kbox too:( but really i enjoyed's so great to have almost the whole zheng zu going out together,even though we didn't manage to do anything together:D
well anyway i'm too tired to write much about what happened today.someone else can do it for me;)my intention to blog today is just to add in the photos we took.
yay!!!we are the best*woots*
oh yeah all the sec 4s got a really nice shirt from the's so nice i can't resist taking a picture of it when i got home.
doesn't it look great?so nice of the juniors!!!haha i'm touched:D
ok just one last photo:
LOL.isn't it great??at e exact moment no less!!famous last picture of our ex-zu zhang!!
-minhui-was here~;)
Monday, August 7, 2006
Jiayou for EOY exams!!!
From da very very extremely super duper really mysterious senior... MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Tomorrow is passing down and I already made cards for you guys long ago! YAY! Aren't you guys exicited?! Lalala. =D
(Actually I thought that the annoucement thingy was the official handdown so piah-ed that time. Heh heh. (:)
Anyway, that's about all. =)
Sunday, July 23, 2006
yo people!!!
ok i'm a sec 4 la..that's all i'm going to say:)
decided to come blog after jy told me here i am:)
yes yes.quite a nice blog...good job to all those who help create this!must continue to bond more ok people?CONTINUE THE ZHENG SPIRIT!!!
yep zheng zhu rocks forever~
speaking of which...
i realised we've never had a kang le organised by our year right???
lol ok jk but you owe us one big time....make it after o'levels???WE WILL BE WAITING.
ok signing off~:)
(oh yes must watch pirates of the caribbean!damn funny.just watched it today so i'm happy :D)
Monday, July 17, 2006
aniwae,i realised tat i hav lost trust in sumbodi..haha..candis, u noe..
n finally,FANDI JIAYOUS !!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
so girly leh
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
n i onli listen 2 hs rest so boring..haha..n de huangdui 1 of course..n candis rmb de socks?haha..:)im happy now bcos idmi wanna finish le..getting fatter by de day lolx..everitime i stay at home i will keep snackin lor..even my amah say im fatter..time to think up a dieting plan:)i tink more interestin topic for idmi shd b lyk interview hairdresser n nutritionist insted of de
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
random tok
Saturday, July 8, 2006
Friday, July 7, 2006
Thursday, July 6, 2006
Zheng tee n china trip ^_^
OK, now for old news: China trip. Ya, i noe got ppl write abt e trip liao, but i didn't see anyone toking about what a wonderful time we had on e last day, with e dares and everything...haha...oh wait, huishan nvr do any dare right? or isit that i STM? hmm...anyway, remember e mass pigging out session in huishan and xianghong's room and watching soccer for a while oso...can't remember what teams those were though...and then it was truth or dare session!! Poor minghao, had to go through our nuttiness...when i was doing my dare at the door, he was looking at me like i was crazy, wo3 quan2 bu4 de4 lian3 diu1 guang1 le4...and then still had everyone else's dare to him too...i think he must have been traumatised by us...ah well...
And finally, u guys must jiayou for SYF hor! jiayou jiayou jiayou!!
(from the only senior who is crazy about Harry
idmi week sucks:(
havent settled one and another one comes again..How many projects do we seriously have to do?? this is getting me all fed-up already..
haha.. ok..
shall blog abt yesterday. hmm.. finished bsp and me fandi stella plus lao ma went to eat macs till 6, after which we went to bugis to get the things tt fandi aka my new honey and lao ma had to buy. We went to stella's house....downstairs the bras basah complex. haha.. so cool loh, stay there, can go shopping everyday. haiz... luckyass..
then we went to take our very first neos together!! correction to stella's post abt taking the first neos with zz pple. it was all zH3ngs except 1 extra de.. haha
no la, we welcome all co pple rite?? :)
we are nice can..
and stella tried to act cute in one of our neos, unfortunately it didnt turn out relli nice.. to be exact.
plus one more where we had this relli cute word on it.. ok I shall be nice and not say much
haha.. yup,
therefore i concluded tt it was relli fun!
should have a zz outing soon, then go take our real first neos together..:)
idmi wk is not slackin wk!!
Monday, July 3, 2006
Wow, "CRITISM"!!

rolls our eyes , haha
Superzhengpeople returns.
I see that the Zheng blog is alive and kicking, as true as the guzhengs are happily sun-tanning in the ZhengShi.
Oops. I guess I forgot that there is no sun in Zhengshi, unless the door is not shut. That should probably also explain why they are in coffin-like boxes, to prevent from being exposed to sunlight.
Reminds me of vampires.
Eastern vampires, those that hops around like zombies, with their stiff arms sticking out ( yes, the recent advertisements about this detergent with softener =) haha ).
And where you write your name on a piece of yellow paper ( Huangzu identity, I guess) and label them onto the Guzhengs.
Whatever. I can't think of anything to continue.
So byebyeeee (:
Saturday, June 24, 2006
-wat r ur strong points n weaknesses..
erm v forgatful..strong points ah..dunno..
-wat post do u wan?
erm can dun choose anot?if not choose secretary lor..
-can u speak louder n speak chinese please.
-pls seat properly
adjust my seating position
: :
: :
blah blah blah..
stupid interview..i got stage fright de ok..sumore got tat video camera dere..scare me..haha
I think that I don't have to continue since Stella did.
Let me think what I should type.
Let me continue. Ahhh!
I think that we need microscopes to view five cent coins, with regard to Stella's comments.
I appeal for a new skin. With more space so that Stella dont have to squint her eyes.
Heh heh(:
Friday, June 23, 2006
8 and still counting...
there are still 8 and counting...
haha.. rmb anything STELLA?? ;)
Lol... this post shall be dedicated to jia min
who thinks that pastamania, ben & jerry and her freako shoes means everything (and when i say EVERYTHING, i mean it).
but the outing was quite fun la, ya, so..
rmb our nxt date!!
um.. ok, lets get serious.
the interview today was super crapped up
i think i flopped it badly, well i was the first BUT i wasnt even nervous when i went in, it was just that the atmosphere inside was kinda weird.
it didnt feel like an interview at all.. and it was stressful
laugh... thats the truth
oh well... "Wadeva"..
Oh yah, last thing to remind Fandi
The nxt time you Pangseh us again, I am going to...
um.. what shall I do??
I haven't had breakfast and I'm craving for EXOTIC CHINESE CUISINE. Take a look:

Yum yum! I am even considering renovating my toilet to look like those in China, just to (you know??!) relive the experience.
I'm still choosing between two possibilities:
DESIGN #1 : Half is enough
DESIGN #2: Go doorless!
Hmm... maybe I'll just install SPECIAL AIR FRESHENERS in my toilet that release smells that test your lung capacity.
Heh heh.
crappy interview
Thursday, June 22, 2006
the hairy indian man --- REVEALED
(keep scrolling down...)

yeah! check out my hairy body and sexy smile! *beats chest* aren't i handsome?
[ ok la huishan, i admit that i (jiayin) wrote this and put a fake picture. i admit that ur dearest is not even half as handsome as this guy, but oh well, have to make do with him la. dont hit this apey, he is such a cute vulnerable cutiepie :) ]
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
hey hey..
yangqiaohotel*!!so lousy n black e creepy!!until i n ***nd 2 squeeze in2 1 bed!!so mbarasing!!(reminz u of a senior?)
ohya..e whole china trip was like a marathon..go everiwhere oso 4 ppl lyk mi hu wan 2 jian fei..n e food is rather*bleh*u i when hme 2 weigh tat tym rite..i tink i jian le 2kg news 4 mi job nutritionist!!haha..
dis guy ah..4eva slp de leh..n he slp de posture super weird..accordin 2 him, he is using his arm as a makeshift pillow..haha..n his claims 2 b high class..woteva..n his creepy incident at the hotel..accordin 2 him, he felt sum1 starin at him when he was bathing..(bad taste..haha..juz jokin)..n a piece of advice from dis zi lian guy-nv use ur hand 2 rub a misty mirror..u will get possessed!!true not i dunno leh..used 2 do i lk lyk im possessed?probabaly..
the ahma pants..rmb?haha..tat tym when e jc seniors xun fang tata tym she dare not open de door lehz..scared dey see..den mak mi laugh so much wen i go open de door..hai de seniors tink tat we break curfew..actually we alreadi in bed le lor..we men shi guai kia ok..haha..n she alwaes wake up in the middle of the night n complain de rm v hot..weird leh..;)n anoder ting..she complain i eat 2 nuch..huh!is u eat litle lah..not i eat much..onli lyk 1 or 11/2 bowl of rice de marathon nd energy lor..dis girl onli eat like 1 or 2 MOUTHS of rice onli..n everitym waste food one mouth den dun wan le..hmm..jiao sheng guan yang..
dis girl tink tata all de ppl arnd her r thieves can?!lock her bag ubtil so yan mi..even tissue paper oso muz lock lor..haha..n jas i realli jian yi u dun wear tat blue shorts whan carrying ur backpack..look lyk mountain trekker lor..(no offence..shi hua shi shuo hor);)
oh i tell u ah..his appetite is so HUGE!!nd 2 eat arnd 6 bowls of rice den full..rice onli hor..havent include oder food yet leh..normal ppl onli eat lyk 1 or 2 bowls onli leh..candis is the worse lah..refer 2 candis u noe hu 2 qing 4 lunch nxt tym..n dis guy is crazy abt bridge..crap..dun lyk bridge lor..muz use brains..muz use brains de game i sure lose de..;)
ok tats all 4 sec dose ppl noe wat dey china trip SO fun can..xcept 4 e performance n water parades..n if i sae fun surely is v fun de..bcos i rarely njoy tym at co..haha..oh..n we learnt new class way aka xh's way)/woteva(high class way), ben si le!,so embarrassing etc etc:)
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Another Day

Saturday, June 17, 2006
The Ultimate Reveal.
Heh heh heh. I think it is about time we did a little update on the CO trip other than simply saying we missed it loads. We should share what we found out about each other, afterall, it is supposed to bond us. And bonding involves getting to know each other well.
Since Huishan is the zuzhang, let's begin from her. [Please note that the below is for reading pleasure and not to be taken seriously. I wrote this because I fear people will come whacking me in my butt if I do not annouce this disclaimer beforehand. And yes, I already bought insurances. =) Thank you for your concern. =) ]
1. Huishan
Ahem ahem. Actually, there's more to the bubbly and crazy and forgetful and sometime-serious zuzhang you normally see during fenzu. She have a dark secret which will be revealed to those who didn't went for the CO China trip. Heh heh.
*clears throat* Huishan has a preference for hairy indian sumo-wrestlers. tsk tsk. Nevermind. What do 'ya call that? Ah-hah.
Unique taste. =)
And yes, so much for her *coughcough* hairstyle, which Boyang claims to look *coughcough* ahmah. Yeah Huishan, I know. You will never visit that *insert vulgarities* shop for another haircut again. All that for $25 dollars.
Even my grandmother can do that better than you. *shakes head*
(Just kidding, no offence please =) )
And last but not least, her poor hand lost her first kiss to none other than Jiayin. tsk tsk.
I pity you, poor hand. *shakes head*
Conclusion: Huishan has a yu3 zhong4 bu4 tong2 taste on hair. Ahem ahem.
2. Xianghong
And yes. Our beloved *coughcough* Honghong. Our very nice lingzou for the China trip performances who never fail to make us laugh on stage, although we try very much to hold our laughter. Ahem ahem.
We discover that she has a talent in reaching out her arms, if you know what I mean. =)
And she claims property over all the good in the world by labelling them. I thought teachers tell us that labelling is bad in PCCG lessons.
My goodness.
*shakes head*
What are the kids now becoming?
*shakes head again*
Back to the topic, Xianghong is also rather popular with her juniors. Otherwise, please kindly explain why Stella is always trying to say I love you to Xianghong. (Actually, the truth is, that is a dare. xp )
And yeah, she is part of the fishy gang. [I shall elaborate later. =) ]
Conclusion: Never mess with this red hot chilli.
3. Jiayin
Yes yes. For your information, this is the more ahem, not-so-decent Jiayin who stole the first kiss of Huishan's hand. And she is rather perv, you know. *hint hint*
She has a very interesting (note that I italised the word) book on growing up. Cute visual cartoons that tell you everything from *ahem* to *ahem*.
Part of the reason why zhengzu is becoming er..wild, is partly due our dear girl over here, Jiayin.
And she has a nice hairband that looks rather *coughcough* good on Stella. The person who has that picture please insert it here. Thank you. =)
And she has a rather huge appetite, if you notice carefully. =) And she also waste fodd. tsk tsk.
Oh-yah. She can imitate many cartoon characters. She's done, let me see, Minnie Mouse and Popoye.
Conclusion:A very adorable senior who likes to act cute (ignore the contradiction here =) ) who has a lot of fa2 bao3. Heh heh.
This senior arh, *shakes head*.
No lah. Actually she is very nice. She is the main poker card supplier (Okay, minus MingQuan). But hey, this post is supposed to be The Ultimate Reveal. So..
Okay lah. I shall say that her dare was the most erm, passable. It was damn hilarious, if you know what I meant. =)
And yes, she likes to sing kiddy songs too.
I hate you, you hate me,
Let's team up and kill Barney,
With two gunshots *BANG!BANG!*,
Barney's on the floor,
No more purple dinosaur.
And I found out she can reach very high-pitches. Oh-no. Serhua has competition.
But no matter what, that's bad news for us. Let's buy mass ear insurance, because got discount mah. No such thing?
Conclusion: Never judge a book by its appearences. tsk tsk. =) Heh.
5. Stella
Yeehah. Finally, I got to Stella. Please expect an exceptionally long one because much is revealed apart from her normal bochap and happy-go-lucky attitude. =)
First of all, let me introduce to you a brand new Stella, now packaged as a celebrity know as
Narunwan Arun! *applause*
Let me explain the name.
Stella Loh Yun Jia is being mispronounced by CuiLaoShi as Run Jia. Hence, Narunwan Arun.
She arh..*shakes head* bu4 de2 liao3. During the China trip, she advertised more many many products like her main KangShiFu mineral water, m&m chocalate, clean n clear, lip plam etc etc.
[Someone please upload the video, that is, is Stella don't go around killing. My goodness. *shakes head*]
Tables with Stella around during mealtimes cannot be spared a round of laughter. And ahem. She has an unusual relationship with *coughcough*, MQ. Scandalous, scandalous. You can see her dragging some silly soft-toy dog with a missing nose.
Poor pup. tsk tsk.
Stella please jump into the Yellow river. [Please understand this in the 'Chinese way'.]
And her
[I shall continue at a later date because it is rather late in the night now. Night, peeps. I shall reveal my identity at a later date. But if you are smart-ass, then that's great. Candis, please don't tell yet. =) ]
pls stop doin ur hw..
Friday, June 16, 2006
Eh, I want to talk.
Please voice your views. Html pros can kindly offer to "beautify" and spice it up a little.
I agree that the CO trip rocks and homework know. (CAn't say homework sucks because the only thing we suck as lollipops =) , haha.) That's about all.
p.s. I think that nobody will so hardworking and lian guzheng(Okay, with the exception of some, maybe), after all the homework boiling down to ..blah blah. So, we shall see. Heh. =)
haha.. this might seem so unlike Candis to miss china, but.. yah, i am desperately trying to run away from the HUGE pile of hmwk.
Oh well, the trip was ok i suppose. didnt seem as bad as i thought it would be. Pls imagine the fun that you were about to be appreciatiing, but it all comes too late and BOOM! you are back into reality together with your assignments. Fish! And i still havent really touched on the projects yet, oh man... I wanna go back to china...
Thursday, June 15, 2006
anibodi tell our seniorz n juniorz abt dis wbsite?shd we lyk tall dem?or juz kp dem in e dark..secrets..
n tell u stg..i hate zz ppl k..y u all kp on studying 1??????????stop it k..muz slack little bit mah..dun so study,study n study!n all dose ppl goin overseas aft the china trip, i hate u all k..
finalli, juz wanna sae tat i miss e china n candis dun kill least running n dirty toilets in china beta than the whole stack of hw on ur tbl waiting 4 u 2 do rite?!
tym 2 go bk 2 maths hw..代言so may things最终still bk 2 hw..haiz