Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Ultimate Revealation of The Secrets behind the photographs taken during Msia Trip' 09.

Yes, what your eyes are seeing is REAL. The blog is being updated!! (cheer leh)

Today, I'm going to reveal the secrets behind the photographs taken during Msia Trip'09! *drumroll gua zou*

Secret #1

Revealation of the secret in taking a unsuccessful jumpshot like the one above.

All it takes, is either...

1) Varying degree of lagness

2) A lousy cameraman (no use having a super coordinated group with a lag cameraman)

Secret #2

Err... please click the photo to enlarge to find out the secret yourself!

Okay that's all for today. Stay tuned for more!! (and that's a very subtle hint for you guys to update!! >:D)
p.s. this post is all in the name of good fun and laughter and any "coincidences" are PURELY INCIDENTAL hor.
-not so dumb to put my name here again :P