Tuesday, November 17, 2009

SH Practices.


Hi Year 4s and Year 5s!

什么事?! (What)

The dates for the SH practices are out! (btw this is your cue to cheer)

You may now summon your army of highlighters, markers and colour pens to mark out these dates on your calender. Remember the golden rule: Slow and steady wins the race! :)


  • Nov 23 (2 -5pm) Monday
  • Dec 1 (10 - 1pm) Tuesday
  • Dec 3 (10 - 1pm) Thursday
  • Dec 4 (11 - 2pm) Friday

These are formal practices, so please do not any how absent yourself ok. Except for those who have already informed me that you will be overseas, please make it for all the dates. Tyvm. (:

Note: Cui Lao Shi will be coming for ALL the practices.


We are going to have our practices at ... a secret location. It's somewhere in the music block... okay maybe it's not that secret after all. -.- Here's a clue:

(sing to the tune of 一二三四五六七,我的朋友在哪里)


... Hope that helped.

Err.. let's skip this.


In case you don't know yet, the song (yes one song only) we are playing is 临安遗恨. Scores will be given out on the first day of practice i.e. 23 Nov. So you do not have to print the scores.

Meanwhile you can start "touching the scores" (not literally -.- please translate it to chinese so that it will make more sense).

The Song

If you look carefully enough, 临安遗恨 is a 协奏曲. Which means its with piano accompaniment.

Quick guess who's our piano accompanist??

(Clue: It's a certain monkeylovesbananas but we have too many monkeys and banana lovers in zheng e.g. fionabanana, banana34_xxx, so i think its still worth a guess)

Here's a preview of how it sound like with piano accompaniment:

Link: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/u23IWaVlpeE/

Lastly, please leave a tag on the tagboard to acknowledge that you read this. Alternatively, if you want to waste smses, you can drop me an sms.

Your butt ought to be smacked if you havent figured out who is typing this. Hee hee.

p.s. please don't use pseudonyms like "monkeylovesbananas" or "tian tian" or "cow" or "ilovejohnnydepp"or "smug/niuniu" on the tagboard. ty ^^

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

sms me the no. of the pic that u want ^^
im not gonna bring the pics to sch for risk of destroying them
price is $2 per pic
u can pay me when u see me

oh and btw if any of u wants to post tell me and i'll invite you










Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hi. Anyone in zheng who wishes to be linked please leave a tag (new ones if u have done so previously) and you will be linked via the The Expressway!

-while stocks last im boliao enough-


Calling out to all Y4s and Y5s:

Feeling unproductive during the holidays? Here are 3 simple steps to liven up your boring holidays!
(lol sound like some commercial trying to scam ppl BUT IM NOT OK :P this is called "G")

1) Read the posters (below) and try to spot at least 3 differences
2) Pack a shirt and toy(preferbly elmo) into your bag
3) Teleport yourself to DHS at 9.59am (1 minute buffer time for those who umm are lagger slightly less responsive) on 10 June 2009, wednesday

See you there! (please let boonxuan/esther know if you are attending by friday 12pm tyvm :D )

p.s. the 2 posters are identical so its (almost) impossible for you to spot 3 differences. And no, you do not have to put on the school tie and we will not be responsible if any aliens kidnap your toy.

p.p.s. do not question why the aliens have no pupils. They are just trying to alienate themselves from the rest of the human population.

p.p.p.s. Thank You for your kind attention! >:D

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Ultimate Revealation of The Secrets behind the photographs taken during Msia Trip' 09.

Yes, what your eyes are seeing is REAL. The blog is being updated!! (cheer leh)

Today, I'm going to reveal the secrets behind the photographs taken during Msia Trip'09! *drumroll gua zou*

Secret #1

Revealation of the secret in taking a unsuccessful jumpshot like the one above.

All it takes, is either...

1) Varying degree of lagness

2) A lousy cameraman (no use having a super coordinated group with a lag cameraman)

Secret #2

Err... please click the photo to enlarge to find out the secret yourself!

Okay that's all for today. Stay tuned for more!! (and that's a very subtle hint for you guys to update!! >:D)
p.s. this post is all in the name of good fun and laughter and any "coincidences" are PURELY INCIDENTAL hor.
-not so dumb to put my name here again :P