Here are some posts on facebook for me to share here:)
24hours to the great battle:
Together we had worked hard, shed blood and tears, sacrificed countless amounts of time to perfect our techniques. Tomorrow we will reap what we had sowed so meticulously. The seeds of our efforts will blossom into sturdy and proud flowers, the very seeds which survived the strong winds, rain and thunder, which so desired to pull us down. Tomorrow, with immeasurable fortitude we will march into the battlefield. We will exhibit what our masters had so painstakingly taught us, as with our sharpened swords we penetrate through enemy defenses, sweeping across this dark, fearful battlefield with our radiance, igniting the enemy forces, before finishing them with a Coup de grĂ¢ce; a blade through their hearts, the very hearts which held on to the belief of our failures. Now they knew they had all thought wrong. Tomorrow we will emerge triumphant and victorious. Tomorrow we ShowDown.
During the past one to two years, we have being working so hard. We cry, we overcome obstacles, we work hard, we laugh, we sing, we play, we support each other and WE are having so fun together! Tomorrow is the big day where we show our bond, our spirit, our passion and OUR love for one another through music. Let's do our best tomorrow and achieve excellence because it is what we deserve after all those that we had gone through. Towards the same goal, we make our final sprint! [♥ To my beloved Guzheng mates who are busy practising now:D]
People laughed, when we said "it was tough",
They jeered and mocked, and through it we sulked.
No one believed in us, all because of a curse,
the curse that hurt, that upset, that pierced,
our delicate hearts.
So we start. We start working hard, making our way to the top.
But we stop, is this what its all about?
Giving our best just for the results?
Practice is all but without,
The love for our music, and it makes us sick.
So what if you are able to play with a stick?
So what if you can play it doubly quick! I don't give a ****!
Because this is not what we came for, not what we saw,
the change of the law, the music without withdraw.
Its the music that left us in awe. And though should we crawl,
we wont brawl, but we will make it past that wall.
That's all that matters, as we go about destroying our haters.
- Yanlei:D
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