hi people. ming quan here, and you guessed it, i am going to blog about syf. anyway, just some thoughts and feelings i have, which u may or may not agree.we got gold for syf, not the gold with honours we were all hoping to get.
when the results were announced, there was silence, guess everyone was stunned. but personally, i was about to cheer, but then i realised the atmosphere wasn't right.my spirits dropped. it took wei cheng to let us give a half-hearted cheer. why is this the case? even though we did not managed to get gwh, we acheieved gold as a team! isn't that something worth celebrating for?
perhaps some of you might remember mr tay and cui lao shi saying, the main purpose of syf is not the award, its the music. ask yourself, do you think you have done your best? no matter how good your best is, its still your best. if you put in your utmost effort, there should be no reason to be that sad and disappointed, and i know many or all of us did so. otherwise, it high-time you start reflecting on why you did NOT try you best. and if some of you think i did not put in enough effort, all i can say is that i tried my best for the past 4 years.i dare to say that i put my heart and soul into guzheng, although i feel that i could have practiced in a better manner to achieve better results.
one year of practicing the two songs, think of all the work that you have put in. what have u gained? what have u learnt? or is this something you were forced to do? the main aim of dhsco is NOT to achieve gold with honours, although thats our short term goal, what dhsco and mr tay and all the other music instructors want is for us to develop a passion for the chinese music in the process of learning it. have you achieved that? congratulations if you have, and i hope you find your way soon if you don't. and dhsco is not just about music, it builds up your character too. it teaches you to teamwork, perseverence, responsibiltity and many others. how much have you grown spirtually since you joined co?
i wonder what are your friends reactions upon learning guzheng got gold? do they ask why u did not achieve gwh? or did they congratulate you? i believe most are of the latter, and sincerely hope so.you can go ask any of our seniors, i'm sure they are all very proud of you in their hearts. and in case u didn't know, only 3 sec schs were awarded gold today, and no sec schs had gwh. even though we did not get gwh, we maintained our standard of gold!
there is no end to knowledge and skills, you can always improve. so for those whom are still disappointed and sad, get a grip on yourself! why not buck up now and prac to achieve a good quality! its the quality of practice that counts, not the quantity, and i'm sure you all have seen that in some way or another. so when do NOT miss fen zu for not valid reasons! and put ur heart into the music when you are there! we can all finish up on time then. and if you all are feeling very tired and in need of a break, why not let your seniors know? its better to break and come back rejuvenated than to play while half dead. and take care of you instruments too!
and special note to the year 1s and 2s, jiayous for 2009 syf!
i have got many other stuff to say, but maybe next time, i shall end here. Be happy that we achieved gold together as a team!
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