date: Wednesday 28 March 2007
time: 7:51 AM
look at the time man. then look at the number of shoes outside CO room. it's only in the morning, where people come to school, sleep-walking to their respective classes. but our enthu CO people chose to come to the CO room to practise. so 感动 can!
for the rest of the days in this week, there were about the same number of shoes outside CO room, if not more. there were enough people to initiate a mini dazu!
this also motivated me to work doubly doubly hard for our SYF. the problem is, a lot of people still haven't realised the anxiety and urgency. 拜托! 火都已经烧到屁股了! 你们还在想什么?!?! i'm not requiring you zhengzu people to go and prac everyday in the morning like them because by the time we carry the qin and stuff out , flag raising will start -.- i'm just talking about that positive attitude.
i know alot of zhengzu people have started to buck up and improve, but still, quoting our dear zuzhang: "it's not a solo competiton." a few people playing well, having positive attitude will not suffice. it's a group thing. what those people can do is only influencing others to adopt such a attitude. and saying this, i would really want to commend the year ones. they only have sucha short period of time to learn these 2 songs; plus, they also hafta cope with the difference between primary school and secondary school life. and yet they're showing us such good results. those who play worse than the year ones, i dont know what to say except cui lao shi's famous quote: 好好练吧…
i distinctly remember somebody saying this: "we may not be professionals in our instruments, but the bondedness we have can be heard from our music." positive attitude can be spread, it's just whether you are willing to open your heart and accept it.
please people, gold with honours is not what a mere few people can achieve. everybody is important. ZHENGZU NEEDS YOU. YES YOU. STOP HIDING IN THAT CORNER ANYMORE. WE ARE A GROUP. A FAMILY. A FAMILY WHEREBY NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. THINK ABOUT THAT.
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