Sunday, February 28, 2010

Thoughts and feelings about 1st Heart Strings concert

Hi guzheng-ers! :)

Its one day after our Heart Strings concert. I supposed you have gotten a good rest by now. I wanted to sms everyone but only have half your numbers haha, so shall type here as well.

I hope you have enjoyed practicing and playing for the concert! :):) I had a really great time myself :D Thank you to ppl like Miss Teo, Esther and Darryl for organising the concert, and for everyone else whom contributed one way or another, even just by participating. Take care and see you at next year's concert!! :)

-Ming Quan

PS: Someone post the photo of everyone after the concert on this blog yeah? Thanks! (:

Monday, February 22, 2010


Sigh how come no one attempted to answer these questions at the tagbored sobz )':

Here are the answers:


1) Why did the rooster cross the road?
Ans: To prove that he wasn't chicken.

2) Why did the piano drop from the sky?
Ans: Because of gravity.

3) An elephant and an ant crossed paths. What did the ant say to the elephant?
Ans: Nothing. Didn't your mum tell you not to talk to strangers??

4) What did the black cat say to the white cat?
Ans: Meow.

5) What is the difference between a fly and a mosquito?
Ans: A mosquito can fly but a fly can't mosquito.

6) 为什么要爬楼梯?
Ans: 因为楼梯痒。


Everyone JIAYOU for concert!! (and paiwei) :D heh